I went for a stroll in the park at lunch, took with me a great little sandwich made by my dear wife, as always i brought my camera with me. I took two shots of the same flower but from different aspects, but i couldnt decide which one i prefer so i decided to put them both up.
Pongol Park is a nice quiet place and you would think for its size the wildlife would be minimal but, at just one lunch i saw, several birds of different species, two types of reptile(common green lizard and a water monitor baby) several types of bugs and assortd insects AND a type of reb insect i had only seen on the island of bintan at the base of a massive kapor/kapok tree of which pongol park has severl though much smaller. I have no clue as to the name of this insect..but i shall try and find out.
There were a couple of old guys fishing but I think they were there more for company and conversation then anything else. This country could use a few more nice little parks, it made such a difference from eating at my desk or even at the coffee shop, the park is pretty quiet and i was happy to sit and enjoy my food away from the stress of work and having a ton of people around and i think those old guys felt the same way.
I dunno what i was trying to do here lol playign with clrsand stuff...