Escaped from Chua Chu Bloody Kang!! Gave frodo a call from yew tee mrt station and he was game for a little trip to town. we met at raffles place and the plan was to go to lau pa sat but we never made it......Sherwin met up with us around 8, by then frodo and i had already take around 100 shots, mostly i was experimenting with the aperture and shutter speed to try and get some nice effects.When Sherwin came we decided to follow the banks of the singapore river down from boat quay towards Fullerton across the bridge then on to the old parliment building, supreme court past westin then home. it was a long bloody walk.

In the end i took more then 250 pictures of which i think i am happy with maybe 5. Still need lots of practice though. I havent walked around town like we did toda

y in ages it was fun, the next time i want to go i must make sure TLOML comes with me, she is a lot better looking then frodo thats for sure! I saved china twon for a day with her as i know she likes to wa

lk around that part of singapore.
Once again i had to crop and resize some of the pics or they wouldnt have fit in here, if you click on them you get a larger picture but not the full size image. I ch

ecked, it is possible to do that but the space given is only 300mb so i am saving it for better pics. I took the pic of myself leaning on a pillar at old parliment house using th

e timer feature, i also adjust the clr to make it look abit older . I was really impressed with the work they did at old parlimet house and empress place, it really looks like a nice area and its great for walking, i have always said our civic district is full of grand buildings, except for that disater of a club on the padang and i am not talking about the cricket club to me it looks like something phua chu kang would bloody well design. The Supreme Court

(not the one with the spaceship on its roof) on the other hand is one of my fav buildings anywhere and who ever designed the lighting effects has done a great job. I put a couple of shots of the building in this blog, so you know how much i love it. All in all it was a good evening and it more then made up for a crappy day!
I am so looking forward to waking up nice and late tom! or rather later today. I got a couple more pics to post relating to tonight, but they will have to wait, i am off to the land where i am wealthy and wise...dreamland.