Went for another walk around the park today and came across a group of foreign workers fishing, it reminded me of my youth in Opera Estate when together with my neighbours, Ah Wee and Steven we would make out own fishing rods from branches, use thread for fishing line and needles for hooks, we never ever caught anything ... but we spent many hou

The sun was too high for good photography, though i did get a couple of nice tree shots i got none of birds or insects. It was hot and it made me impatient.
I am looking forward to the weekend as i am sure most people are, still got half a day of work today and another half tom before i can enjoy any time off but hey next week i am off on saturday so yahooo to that.
Lagoon for dinner tonight with my sister's in-laws, shouldnt be too long, i would prefer a nice cold place like the airport but these fella's want to suffer in the heat of the outdoors. At least the wife can have her beloved fish soup, she has already stated that she would leave me for him anytime.
Back to work~!