

Sidebar-----could not decide between one of the other so posted both.

My sweet princess,
Lay down, rest your weary head, sleep.
Dream the dreams I send.
for the dawn comes too soon
and the sun shall call you to labour.


My sweet princess,
Lay down, rest your weary head, sleep.
Dream the dreams I send.
for the dawn comes too soon
and the sun shall call you out of slumber


The roar of thunder shatters the night, peaceful bliss blown out of sight
Awakened by a thumping heart, the fear and panic are quick to start.
A glance at the window the true tale tells as rain falls down in an awesome swell.
Thunder bangs out as if to speak “awaken, arise and hear my cry. Open your eyes as I light up the sky”

Random Thoughts.

The harder you try to keep things the same the faster they seem to change.
All we can do in the midst of all the seemingly random events is to hold on to the ones we love, hold them tight with our hands or in our memories.
I feel we were all born destined to love and be loved and the journey is best when we hold on to that knowledge.
Life knocks you down when you least expect it, sometimes it’s by our own hand that we fall sometimes its just…life. but never have I been down and there wasn’t someone there to offer me comfort.
The choices of our youth sometimes point us to the path our lives take but the path is not fixed, where there is life there is hope.
Its never too late to forgive or ask forgiveness, even at the last breath.
Tough guys do cry.
Family isn’t just the people you are connected to by blood, but by soul.
A harsh word spoken and forgotten a minute later is better then being bitter in silence for years.
Life isn’t perfect and neither are we, that’s what makes us all special.
Being you is better then trying to found out who you are.
Holding hands is better then ice cream.
Hearing the word Daddy every morning is the sweetest sound of all.



People change, thoughts, words and deeds fade.
Friendships that stood the test of time fail the test of life.
It seemed so much easier when things began, so much easier before they fell apart.
If things were different surely they would be the same.
So while walking away is not as easy as standing still
sometimes thats all we can do to put the distance between ourselves and the painful past.
So i bid you adieu and don't bite the bedbugs.


Return to puppyhood

When Pepper was a puppy.

The Pupper Pepper

The Pepper.

Hmmm yes..i see

I was looking through my old copies of National Geographic and came across this one from 2001, very interesting article.
Below is the Gastropoda Purplis. I waited for 2 hours before it came out of its shell for this one shot.

You may have gotten these pictures from me before. if so too bad.


Awww. Just the frist pic lol

This is picture along with the one of the paws are slightly older pictures which i do not think have been seen on my blog. I really do like the picture of TLOMY and our lil bambino

A rather active ant

I thought the flowers had a nice colour about them.

Taken around Kandahar.....lane in singapore's very own Arab Street