
Of course i get stressed.

Today i was told by a friend of a friend that I seem to be the happiest person around and dont have a care in the world, she gets this from reading my blog. i guess from reading my blog it can be assumed that all is grand and life is rosy, but alas it is not always so. Like everyone i have problems, money or the lack of it, work and the TOXIC people that i am forced to be around there. Health my constant worry about TLOML and the baby, family. I have unhappy days or rather unhappy moments like anyone else. I have stress, maybe i dont show it as much as other people but its there this constant naggin feeling that this whole thing is going to come crashing down.
Take for example office politics, in an office of four people you wouldnt belive the politics that is going on, i do my best to stay out of it becuase there is no purpose..its not like i am going to get a pay raise from it so why bother. But these fools feel the need to lie and spread rumours about everyone, example "that guy is on the take" or "that guy is tryign to steal my job" when all i want to do is work, get paid and go home to where my life begins. my life is not centered around my job. IT is a job. My life is centered around my family, my friends. By trying my best to live to that motto i realise that i must give my ALL to my Family and Friends not to my job, i do work hard and i do it well BUT that is not the most important thing to me. Thus alot of the work related stress seems to not matter so much, it does bother me but not as much as it used to. Things like am i the best staff in the company or am i selling enough of my soul so that the bosses can get more profits...they dont seem so urgent anymore. If my job required me to travel i would, if it meant that my office hours are 8 to 8 dialy so be it. But once the clock is off then i am gone and dont expect me to stay behind to cover your ass. When i die i want ot be able to say i spent all my time with family and friends NOT WORK. So thats how i deal with work stress.

Another thing that helps lot i find is my blog, it allows me to rant and rave but it also helps me focus on the good things that happened in the day or during the week. Because i want my blog to be a positive one i try and focus on the good things, like my dog in joyus raptue eating her bone, or my family playing scrabble together or even on my photography(someone told me my nature shots are ok but i need help with composition in the rest) which i really enjoy doing. I encourage everyone to have a blog, it is a great destresser. Most of the peopel that come in here dont even read my extra long rants but hey at least i know i have a venue to vent without anyone else being forced to listen.

With more then 10 hours a day including transport time taken up by work, at least 8hrs a day taken up by sleep that leaves less then 6 hours a week day on average to be with loved ones and friends or doing the things u love. 6 hours. Thats why if i could, every weekend would be a family weekend out doing something, Anything, but with family or friends. To me thats the best destresser of them all.


deb said...

Why do people want to make life so miserable at work? It's the same for me. no one talks anymore. we spend most of our time at work, the least we can expect is to have a pleasant office environment.

Tempest23 said...

Work sucks! I realise that no one is indispensable - you can be replaced just like that and no one will cry for you so I have also decided to do my best as usual but never to give my soul!

Alison Simon said...

At least you get paid to work, me? no pay, no leave, no sick day. Yep it's best to work hard but don't give your life to it, family can never be replaced while employees can.

doomed_troll said...

ooo i must let your hubby read this post