
Evolution of a blog and its blogger

I started blogging for the first time only 6 months ago, according to my archives that is. It feels alot longer, the strange thing is that when i go back and read my earlier post i sometimes wonder did i write that? I am not known for my writting skills and my blog isnt the most exciting one in town lol . Some of my post include rants against State sanctioned executions while others have been nothing more then pics taken at lunch time. Originally i did know if there was a direction to my blog and after a scant 6months i realise that there isnt. I ramble along putting bits of my life on screen for people to read, does it give a slanted picture of me? Does it matter? Not one bit. I find blogging very calming and i think the people i encourage to blog are enjoying themselves too. My favourite part of blogging is the pictures, i enjoy taking pictures and posting them here, of course i realise that most people dont really bother with them (I find that people respond more when there are pics of them or the post is about them ).The other thing i enjoy are the comments, which are few and far between lol just goes to show how many peole actually read my blog, does it disappoint me that so few wander in here? heck no..i am suprised that even 1 person bothers!!and if no one came in here and read my rambling rants or saw my photography, i would still continue..the blog is a form of expression, artistic, politcal, personal, social it can and is all these things to me and that is what counts!

Anyway i started with a basic blog template, to which i added music, followed by my own pictures as backgrounds(they do change just not often) and now i have added a music video window courtesy of the fine folks at freevideocodes.com...will i change things? sure i will, will you like it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extremely true..

Sometimes when we reflect back at our previous blogs, essays, etc, we sometimes ponder...
"Why did I write such a comment, blog, essay?"

More often than not, we come to realise the silly things that we wrote long before and sometimes, regret.

But through the constant writings, one begins to evolve. His/her mindset changes, the thinking process involved also deepens and henceforth, a much more wider & mature viewpoint develops.