
Jungle Jewels

So we went to the birdpark yesterday, as is obvious from my earlier post. An enjoyable time, though walking up and down the hills was a chore! We spent 6 hours there fortified by homemade samball/tuna sandwiches, we didnt even have lunch!
Aside from some enclosures where you have to shoot through bars, the birdpark is opening up alot of areas for free flight. They seem to have moved away from the old small cage format to a more natural setting, which is a good thing. Anyway after the birdpark we went back to my mums place, bought dinner for TLOML which we dropped off then we went to tampines mall for thai food. I came home, went to the shop to get milk, settled stuff around the house, did a bit of bloggin and was ready for bed at midnight, i am getting to old for these long days and late nights!
Gripe of the day----Another tourist attraction that always seems to be under renovation.
Moment of the day----(for me) when the parrot landed on my bag and started to nibble the back of my head!
Line of the day-----(same moment) OUCH!!
All pics have been reduced in size to 25% of the original.

1 comment:

Alison Simon said...

you really took a lot of pictures! as usual. please burn copies for me, thanks a million.