
Dispatch From Bukit Timah

0940 Bukit Timah- As i write this dispatch from the foot hills of the bukit timah nature reserve i find my mind wandering to the evnts of the past 10days and the fact that i have not posted a new blog since the 10th. Its not that nothing has happened, if you check out Alisons blog u will see some of the stuff i have been doing, its just time. time to squeeze in a little post. I havent brought my camera to work in a couple of days so no pics to post. anyway back to my post, i am not in my normal location of sengkang but have been sent by the powers that be to this site while the manager there lingers in hospital. IT could have been worse ...but how i am not really sure. As i write this the pest control people are fogging just outside my window, contractors are repairing a gate, the technician is sorting out some intercom faults and i have jjust inspected the security books. seems like enough work for the day but alas no....
i got in the office at 0730am having obtained a lift from the Doo, which saved me at least 40mins on the train and 2 bus rides. Being 1 1/2hr early for work i took a nice nap.....i can now see some people outside the office so i shall end this weird post here...

edward simon live from bukit timah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been wondering what happened to the blog master?!