
Sunday 070805

What a day, woke up late! Was supposed to meet the folks for a little jaunt around seletar at 8 but alas i awoke at 8 and so everything was pushed back.
We went to a lovely little place called "The Animal (something or other" i have been there before but there did some tidying up and the whol place looks better now. We were too early to see dogs so we spent our time taking pics and feeding the animals. There have some nice looking crested cranes and a lovely brown horsey who unfortunately is blind in one eye. The moo and the doo tried to train a fat turkey to hop and get a bit o bread and they succeded but unfortunately it was not captured by me!

After seletar we drove to lim chu kang and discovered a Frog Farm, yes thats right...doesnt it just conjour up images of frogs roaming the fields or being hearded by a collie...anyway they have thousands of american bull frogs all meant for human consumption, mainly for double boiled frog soup. There was needless to say alot of frog lovin..
From there we went to a couple of plant stores, east point and home! TLOML made a beautiful pie for lunch. lurvely.

SIDEBAR- Dont forget if you click on the pic you will get a larger version but it is still smaller than the actual size.

THE last pic today is a "hmmm" shot.enjoy.