A gang of us went to the esplanade to welcome in the birthday of our little nation and to w atch the fireworks display that was put on by a team of singaporeans and man oh man it was awesome good job team singapore!

This time we were located on the seaward side of land near Sheares bridge and man oh man didnt every photog in singapore have the same idea, the folks on on the bridge itself were pleniful and those on the river banks with us we even more so. In our band of merry folk ( 9 of us) we had 7 cameras all canon and 1 nikon, almost like a rat pack of photographers.

I will readily admit i enjoyed the whole thing, the fact that so many people were enjoying ourselves, doing what we love together with friends and family was fantasic, whoever came up with the idea for this Festival of Fireworkz deserves an award.
As the display was going on people(including me) were

Anyhow today is national day so to all Singaporeans who read this (i bet there are only two people reading this and neither of you are TLOML)

MY LAST PIC- Another Hmm shot, looks like some kind of spaceship doesnt it?

SIDEBAR-PICS are resized and cropped.
bugger all the typos. Click on them to get a larger display(not full size)
oh yeah u notice i din comment on my pics? thats because they suck but i dont feel so bad cause there was a guy were a professional rig behind us who didnt get anything either.
bugger all the typos. Click on them to get a larger display(not full size)
oh yeah u notice i din comment on my pics? thats because they suck but i dont feel so bad cause there was a guy were a professional rig behind us who didnt get anything either.
MY LAST PIC- Another Hmm shot, looks like some kind of spaceship doesnt it?

Edward - you should enter those shots! I too got the same ones, I bet, but they were not half as sharp as yours, damn you!
Very very nice indeed. Did you get any of those that were shaped like the Singapore flag ? They were ingenious.
Well done, Singapore!
i did but they were so blur i didnt realize what they were till you told me! damn cute idea!
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