
Rubbish Rubbish..........and more rubbish

I am tired. It has been a rubbish weekend with me not doing anything yesterday. tried to nap but nap wouldnt come. friday night was good with dinner and a visit to borders with tloml but all else was just rubbish. people got angry. people were tired, i was tired.plans got changed and so on and so on. generally speaking i am an optimist normally dont stay this way for long but this morning was rubbish as well. after feeding the baby at 8pm115am, 430am and waking up 7 to get tloml to feed her i figured i would seelp in for half and hour and catch a cab to work. just so tired. but alas i woke up not in the mood to speak to anyone, i go to the atm put my card in and the bloody machine does nothing. IT takes my card and the screen doesnt change, clear, cancel the buttons are totally useless. So i am standing there already late for work, with four dollars in my pocket. The kind people at ocbc were of course so kind they kindly told me that they were of no use to me the only thing they could do was tell me to go to the bank and draw money. alas the nearest bank was rather out of the way so i sent an sms alert to my office that i would be late and hoped on the first of two buses to work. So now i am tired, have a headache and am pissed off and i dont mean the gentle flow of a babbling brook i mean the crazy pounding that is niagra falls. More rubbish, as the bus takes the slow gentle turn off the express way and into sengkang i look out the window and to my horror, dispair i dont really know the word to use but whatever word it is it cannot convey the feeling i had as i looked and saw two dead puppies byt the side of the road.rubbish rubbish rubbish.

This is not the way to start the week coming or end the week going. i am tired and would like to reset the marix now if at all possible. Today the cup is not half empty it is as always half full but this tiem half full of poison, so drink not this draught of despair, take this meal of madness from me and give me light, joy and bliss, it really is too much to ask isnt it.
Sidebar-The kind people from ocbc just called and said that as it wasnt my fault the card got swallowed they would waive the $5.00 and would be so kind as to mail me a new card within 7 days. they can take their 7 days and shove it, i want my card now.but of course another compromise , i can go to the nearest branch and get a card right away. You know its their fault, they should come ot me and give me a card rightaway and they should pay me $5.00.


deb said...

MONDAY BLUES! What a horrible way to start a work week. poor eddie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eddie,

that all sounds terrible, especially about the puppies! Where was the bus going? Beirut?

I, too have experiences loss of ATM card due to swallowage. Sucky (literally), isn't it!

I say leave work early, that always peps a soul up and enjoy some quality time with your daughter, who will always be simple in her needs for the time being. When she wants high heels, send her my way!

Tempest23 said...

When will biondi arrive? Oh when??? Dear honey, tonight you can rest. I will do the night feeds. And don't worry about anything else. Too many people have too much free time in this world.

doomed_troll said...

yah lah the bank was a real pain but at least i got a new card and it only took 1hour of standing in line, and your right they do have too much free time i was watching them and did were moving as if underwater...in slow motion trying to beat the clock!!

doomed_troll said...

free time i was watching them and did were moving as if underwater----------------------should have read THEY WERE MOVING