
Blue Skies...................

Well i am back at work, after abit of a break due to illness its back in the saddle again. I actually came back for a day on tuesday as i had to fill in for my manager who needed the day off. During my lunch break i took a short walk and took the first three pics. They are nothing much to look at but i took the first two just to show you in case you didnt notice the blue skies we had on tuesday.
The pic below is of the shadow of a tree
The last pic is actually part of an earlier post,
i had a look at the pics again and felt that this pic is so un-singapore like that i had to post it.
Anyhow i hope to take more pictures over the weekend, tom we
have a doctors appointment for TLOML and the little bambino which
for the first time last night i FELT MOVING!!! Its very exciting stuff,
we are around 4months away from delivery!


A grasshopper in the hand is worth two in the.....

Photograph Taken by The Moo
Grasshopper caught by ME
Photoshop..also by me :)
Gnarly Hands belong to me!!


Have a cuppa

When you have a mumps like disease and are given 6days of mc which means you cant go gamboling around the world(ok singapore) taking pictures...it sucks. So instead of taking pics on the outside i took some on the inside. The coffee cups you see here were a gift to my parents on the occasion of their wedding in 1962(who gave them is not important..cant really remember since i wasnt there). I have always admired these german made coffee cups, by their size i assume they were for expresso though i am no coffee expert. As long as its black and hot i will drink it.


Pepper And ME

Its just been Pepper and I at home since thurs..i went to the doctor and was told that i have a mumps like infection so TLOML had to move back to her folks place leaveing me and the fatty at home.....Yesterday was horrible as i had a migrane so i couldnt do anything all day, my mum brought some food over alone with alison, megan and mikey but i ad t owear a mask so they didnt stay long lol i dont think mikey liked the mask. Just took these two pics of pepper as she tries to sleep on the chair next to me...as i type this she is snoring softly heheh so cute lah

Glossy Starlings

Some very poor shots of starlings, a rather attractive bird. Taken at CBC



The bird is from a little walk the doo and i took on monday afternoon.TLOML, MOO, DOO and i had gone for lunch after a little trip to IKEA..shop shop.. shop. After lunch we dropped the ladies off and we headed to the boardwalk in changi for a little stroll
THe pics below are from todays walk with Sherwin and Aaron to an area behind tampines ave 10......a place we used to hang around when we were young...so many years ago.



I wont say much about today here as i will let TLOML do it on her blog. Just thought i would post some of the pics i took of the family today. All pics have been cropped and resized, if you want the originals let me know. I can email them to you :)


Hal Linden-

His name is Hal Linden, and in 1975 he was acting in a show called BARNEY MILLER...does anyone remember that? IT was a police type show and i sort of remember it being funny. The station house had a prison cell in the main office ..thats about all i can remember.
He also hosted an Animal docu called ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS in 1976! Thats the show i was talking about in my previous post!!
All i can say is thank god for the internet. I went to sleep and couldnt close my eyes so i woke pepper up and we came out to the computer to try and figure it out! The song is stuck in my head!


I sneaked(TLOML and i had a discussion on this word..and if there was such a word as snuck) out for an hour at around 3 today, well actually since i didnt go for lunch i reckon its alright. Took some pretty lame pics, not sharp at all. Anyhow i am trying to catalogue the many bird species in an around my work place. The first bird (top left) is a Barn Swallow also known as a Eurasian Barn Swallow.
Next we have an Egret, which though not native to singapore has really established itself with a large presence. Below the Egret we have an Indian Mynah, not to be confused with the Common Mynah (Which is more brownish), the mynah is one of my favourite birds. They have such personality but who knew we had two types of mynah!(not counting the Hill Mynah which some people keep as pets) The last 3 pics are of a Little Heron, i posted 3 pics cause I couldnt decide which one I prefered....
Does anyone remember the kids show, whit the song that goes" OH animals animals animals everywhere., animals animals animals everywhere, there are animals in history..." thats all i got..anyone remember it?
All pics have been cropped and resized



Yes I know, its not a good picture..under exposed, cant see the eye and all sorts of stuff BUT it is my first pic of a SUNDA WOODPECKER, and i was very excited. I only managed one quick shot as the grass cutter turned on his machine and every bird in a half mile radius flew off.
Today is a fairly rough day, the boss is out so every little problem is being pushed to my desk. I can feel the makings of a migrane, i think its the heat i really shouldnt have gone for my little walk but i had to escape the confines of my estate.
Last night was nice, TLOML and i had some nice steaks, with roasted potatos, steamed asparagus and baby corn along with a not so nice pepper/mushroom sauce. And for dessert Oranges. For awhile there we werent having our meals together, havign allowed the TV and computer to over run our lives but we are back to the dining table now and its nice. After dinner we took the fatty for a short walk (her tiny legs cant go very far). After walking my two girls home i went off to meet sherwin for a bit of "game on". all in all a good day. I cant wait till friday though another half day for me and i wont be back in the office till next wensday..YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO