A couple of months ago, well almost a year ago a good friend of mine(shout out to SKA!) mentioned that a friend of hers in penang was writting a book on durians and asked if she could find someone to take some pictures of the Esplanade building in Singapore. So after much thought and persuasion ( i didnt want to take shots and have them rejected cause they suck..shy right) off i went with frodo (you remember this night many months ago?tripod broke all!) and took lots and lots of shots of which i selected four or five and sent them off(with some editing like lamppost being removed thanks again SKA). A couple of months after that i got an email mentioning that the book had been printed and was available for sale but with the baby coming and all i put it out of my mind though i was very very excited. Anyhow got home today and checked the mail, got a package and lo and behold! The book and on page 13 the photograph taken by yes thats right ME! sent by the lovely author!(never met but i am sure she is lovey!) I am thrilled beyond belief! The book is great and this is from a non durian eater. The book to steal a line from the intro this book basically about durians of penang! If you like durians or penang(and i LOVE penang) then go out and buy this book!

Photograph by Edward M.Simon- cheh damn ya ya only :) lol
I reckon that Moo knows how it feels ya, getting your name in print like that!
pardon the poor pictures i have taken of the book, i am too excited to do anything fancy with
lighting. I am as they say well chuffed.