
Camel Challenge

Hit the trail with Raju and Sherwin. No thats not any of us, its one of Sherwins kit models. He built it and did a pretty nice paint job so we decided to take it out and shoot the heck out of it.
Lord Knows i need practice. All pics have been resized.
The last picture is my fav. I shook the camera abit to try and get some motion blur which i thought was rather nice.


A book a day.....

Picked up another bunch of books, a book on lyndon johnson, one on the clinton /dole election, another on kerry packers channel 9, and finally one on castro..those were for me the other 3 i got for Caitlin who loves reading as much as her mother and i :).
This brings my july haul to 10 books. This excites me. I reckon if this keeps up we are going to need more shelves.


“Do not go gentle into that good night,

“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
By Dylan Thomas


She really is a happy kid.

Spent a lovey Sunday with Caitlin and the Moo n Doo. Went to Tengah, Pierce Res and finally Bedok South. A lovey Sunday.


Kampung Glam

Kandahar, Baghdad, Muscat and Arab Street no i have not gone to the middle east only as far as Kampung Glam (Gelam which is a type of tree) where these are just some of the colourful street names. This semi restored area fascinates me and i have gone there several times to take pictures as well as to hit the coffee shops, there is a flavour in the area that i just cant seem to catch with my trusty camera if you ask me to describe the taste of the place it would be simply Masala Tea.

Flanked on two ends by the Gold Domed (where the Golden for the golden landmark hotel gets its name) Sultan Mosque and the beautiful blue tiled Malabar Mosque its the bits between that make this area a cultural landmark

Some of the old shophouse's have yet to be "restored". Above you can see the typically long buildings

Its still a very much lived in area, not just for tourist and locals to chill.

I snuck into an abandoned building to take a look.

Below, the exterior of the building


Above one of my fav shots of the day. I think it would make for a good caption contest.

:) figure it out.

Below some tiling work on one of the buildings.

And last of all my shot of the day.

ok so i lied there was one more

When we tried to rip ourselves apart.

I have often thought that a good interviewsubject either for TV or the print media would be the people who took part in the Hock Lee Bus riots, the Maria Hertogh riots, the race riots of 1964, the 1954 National Service Riots and the Chinese Middle School riots. I wonder if they think Singapore is a better place now, i wonder if they think that what they did means something today. My parents used to tell me about the fear that spread, about rumours that the chinese were coming to kill everyone or that the malays were down the road killing everyone. They used to tell me about curfew and not being able to get to the shops and even when you did most of them had nothing on their shelves for fear of looters. My mum and my brother actually went to stay with my grandmother in Johor where it was deemed safer for them while my father roamed singapore trying to get a better look at what was happening (i often wondered if he didnt set a car or two ablaze but he really wasnt that kind of man). Death, distruction and mayhem things so unimaginable here in Singapore today. Most of us learn a little bit in school and maybe read abit in the papers when there is an Anniversary or something but the people who were there doing the rioting because of rumors or because they felt they were fighting for something worth fighting for, these are the people i think we should interview. These are the people that i would like to hear.

Maria Hertogh died recently at the age of 72, she had a hard life, left by her biological family, ripped apart from her adoptive family and husband, sent to live in a place where she knew not the language or customs and none of it her choice. Sometimes its hard to remember that for her and her families both adoptive and biological it was not about race or religion it was about a little girl.


Have Wheels Will Travel.

Our little bike tribe. the 2 bikes missing are laws(getting a tune up) and mungent (in east timor, long story)
Spent a couple of hours riding with the boys today, did a little stint in the late morning after our early morning attempt was foiled due to rain. In the afternoon while the young-uns were playing in the jungle trail the two üncles went for a nice comfortable ride on the "uncles" trail. The ride back home was rather nice with some aggresive peddling.
Frodo's fist and Russels wounds. Thats why gloves are important.
My new bike set up, the new frame is a Tomac Automatic, with a very plush 4inch rear suspension which i have to say is plush. Winson at L and T did an awesome job setting up my ride. Spent more then a bit of time helping me tune the suspension and stuff.
Above my recently serviced Fox Float front shocks, i got it set up at 120mm of travel which works well with the rear shocks, it can go to a maximum of 140mm.
My XT power train seems to fit rather well with this bike.
Winson slipped on some nice Odi Ruffian lock on grips for me, very swish i thought lol.
I havent given up my GT Avalanche (Black Betty) frame yet, i reckon i will take my time and build a nice bike around it for a lil someone. by the way, the new frame is called Sharona.





Its been a weird week. I havent had much chance
to do anything worth blogging about..but the weekend
is almost upon us and i hope i can get some shots in.




She thinks she is Mowgli, never mind that Kipling's Mowgli was a boy. Never a dull moment with this one I tell ya


Books Galore

Borders. You gotta love it, got 5 great titles for half their price!

A fallen old friend.

I picked up a piece of wood from a fallen tree on sisters island(above- its been edited). Our campsite was always located in the shade of this big casuarina which stood head and shoulders above the others in the grove. Anyway in May as we turned the final bend on our approach to camp i was really taken back to see my old friend with only part of its trunk left standing, struck down by a sumatran squall on the eve of my birthday no less( so i was advised by the island cleaners). Anyone who has gone to sisters island with me will know the tree i am talking about.
Things change. everytime you blink and open ur eyes things have changed its in the nature of this world of ours that always from the old must spriing the new and i'd like to think thats what has happened here. If i could thank the old bugger i would say thanks for , thanks for stopping a large portion of rain from drowning us and thanks for keeping us safe in your sheltered embrace.