
Boon Keng

Boon Keng...a place i had no mental image of even though i have passed it so many times its not funny(the mrt tracks run alondside it and Kallang station is right by it) Anyhow sometime back a friend dropped me off at Kallang mrt station and i chanced upon the now abandoned buildings, well abandoned may be too strong a word..tenanted to cats and pigeons seems a more realistic situation. However you view it the buildings are now void of human life and its amazing how quickly the sense of chaos that i am sure surrounded such a central habitat vanishes. The corridors are empty, the flats are quiet and the void decks are well void(pun intended) The car park is now used as a meeting ground for strange people ...the play ground and all its equipment stand silent as does the basketball court..game over i reckon. My fascination with places like this continues to grow, from abandoned buildings on sentosa to derelict hospitals in changi there is just something about these types of buildings that fascinate me. I think it has something to do with imagining all the lives and stories that this place holds in its for want of a better word AIR in its AIR, you can almost breath the history.
Soon the wrecking ball will cut a path through these flats and the history that is written in the walls be be nothing more then a memory, with a condo for a tombstone. Such is life.
I do know that i see or rather feel a sense of beauty in these things, i am sure most of the people that see these pics will disagree but for me there is something there that i just cant explain. Like my photographs of a void deck sometime back which cause more then a few people to ask "what the hell" i see something in these places and buildings that i think my photographs cannot convey, not for want of trying mind you. Anyhow here are my pictures.

Side bar- I hope you found the many typos. it gives me joy to make you happy.


Joseph said...

nice shots of boon keng.

SHERWiN said...

good pics mate. pity my feet wouldn't have been able to keep up. btw, what's that last pic? looks like steam rising from the tiles.

Anonymous said...

very nice pictures!!!

raven said...

Nice black and white pics there..
Especially with the watery background..

doomed_troll said...

Danke for the comments! The last pic is actually the tiles (interlocking) that run along the side of the canal aka river into the water, What you are seeing is actually not steam but a reflection of the clouds in the very still water.

Anonymous said...

great captures !

Anonymous said...

Love the tree, Edward - and your prose. What typos ? Didn't see any. By the way, several book marks are coming your way!

doomed_troll said...

danke moo!