

I have actually wanted to do this post since the start of the month but for some reason i haven't seemed to have the time. Over Christmas i got some great gifts and i wanna mention the 3 books i got, all 3 relate to Germany and world war 2 but more importantly they relate to the people that surrounded Hitler and examines in some detail their relationships with him, with the ideals of the Nazi party and everything that came with it. I recommend these books to anyone but let me warn you you start to get a warped sense that some of these guys are not as bad as we thought but this a flawed premise as some of them were not as bad when compared to others, Goering is not so bad when you compare him to Heydrich but that is like comparing death by hanging to death by firing squad they may seem different but the end result is the same. It is entirely possible that in another time and under different circumstances some of these people would have become great statesmen but in the end they were all responsible for "that which rendered the largest loss of life known to man"

I have two passions(outside family) reading and photography, i love to read its as plan as that. Growing up we always had books around the house my father had a great range of books as did my brother and its these two that my love of reading began, through my brother i discovered Lord of the Rings by Tolkien and Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle till today Holmes is one of my fav books and i still read Lord of the Rings every year. From my father such great books as "war of the running dogs" by Noel Barber and "The undeclared war" by Harold James & Denis Sheil-Small a book which i would like to add was confiscated from me in primary 6 as i was caught reading it during Chinese class!
Here in our humble abode Tloml and i have assembled a little library and i spend my nights selecting books that i have already read and re-read more then once or twice. I tend to read 3 books at the same time 1 at bedtime, one for lunch at work or when travelling and one is normally just hanging around. At present i am re-reading John Simpson's "News From No Man's Land Reporting From the World" and while he does have an inflated sense of himself it is a rather good read, i am also reading Michael Dobbs "Winston's War" a fictionalized account (with heavy factual events) of the year 1939 and Churchill's re-entry into government and war.

Sidebar-because i read rather fast i have found that it has not helped my spelling or grammar one bit. i urge you to speed read through the errors in this post.

1 comment:

Tempest23 said...

I am reading marie antoinette and caitlin is reading the little red hen and the magic porridge pot