
"Weeping May Endure for a Night, but Joy Cometh in the Morning."

When i first started this blog almost 1 year ago, i did not think it would survive. As i said in my first post i have never been one for the "diary" entries but as time moves on all things change.
Change, that seems to have been a big part of what has happened over the past year. With a tough first couple of weeks of being pregnant when both TLOML and i thought that we would lose our baby to a tough delivery with an emergecny C sect, we have run the full range of emotions from Happiness, Fear, and finally JOY.
Over the past week TLOML lost a major part of her life, her grandmother Nano as she was known by all. At 80 Nano had alot to be proud of having raised 3 fine children who went on to raise their own fine children some of whom are rasing children of their own! Wealth, glory, power all these things are well and good but what Nano had could not be bought it was a family who loved her, who love each other. On her deathbed Nano was surrounded by the one thing she deserved the most, love.
Tales will be told for many years about this grand lady, a woman who could truly use the words "my way". An impossible amount of strength of will and fortitude she was also a fount of infomation and wit. Nano was everyready with a good story and always ready with a quick comeback. I shall miss her phone calls which always seem to start with "what exactly is everyone doing?' and somehow connect to food, she would always ask how pepper was having met the dog only once! Her concern for details legendary as was her use of the english language, once we were playing charades(this is my fav nano moment) and someone was acting out a movie tital or something and out of the blue the nano shouted "BARRAGE" fits of laughter i tell ya i had fits of laughter. She survived a war, being widowed early, illness and many other trials and tribulations that would have broken most people but with her spine of steel Nan survived it all. It is a bittersweet moment, when i know we should be happy that she is at peace but ........scripture says "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning " I do not know about the "a nigth part" but i do belive that joy does come in the morning if it didnt life would not be bearable. So here is a tip of the hat and a gentle bow to a grand dame.


Tempest23 said...

It really is very quiet now. Keep expecting to her to call and for us to have our usual confusing arguments! Will miss my dear nan!

Anonymous said...

Bil very well said....