
Gone fishin'

So we went fishing today(this evening actually), the lads and i...another one of our little adventures. First we took a nice stroll along the boardwalk (changi) and enjoyed a firey red sky, i took tons of pics but alas satisfaction was denied me. Back to the fishing, i have been doing this a long and time and in all my years i have never ever caught a fish. Not one. But then the objective has never been to catch the fish , in the early days that was our excuse...people would say so you guys just went to the beach and sat there? and we would reply no la we went fishing. Nice to know some things dont fade with time. Since i have never caught anything i am never disappointed. Just two pics today, and not much to write..why? cause i'v gone fishin...........

sidebar-the sky u understand..but whats the connection with the mushroom? none whatsoever...just like mushrooms.
I was going the change the song to Louis Armstrong and Bing Crosbys Gone Fishin a fun song, but for some reason U2 makes sense ..more sense. alls well with the world tonight.

1 comment:

deb said...

nice shot of the sky! i like!