

Woke up before the sun did this morning, met Mr.Machado at 0630 we had an early morning appointment wiht Sungei Buloh. Which i might add i have no idea how to get too, but we found it pretty quick...so quick that the place wasnt even open yet. I didnt even know they had opening times! A number of birds, today..egrets, herons, kingfishers, an emerald green pigeon(i think),an eagle, jungle fowl and even a woodpecker (and others)whose call it turns out is much like a kingfishers a wild screach not a pleasent sound at all. For reptiles we saw two monitor lizards, one big malayan water monitor and the other a mangrove monitor with the very nice spotted markings. Mammals, we saw a couple of squirels and lots of homo sapiens. No snakes, no crocs and NO OTTERS..sigh...one day i am going to get the shots i want of these 3 animals...one day. As you may notice i only put 3 pics up, either my photography skills are going backwards or my selection process is getting more rigid i dont really know but i was most unhappy with what i took today. A nice morning, enjoy the weekend.

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