
this that and..........................

Phew what a busy past couple of days it has been, thursday night we went for dinner it was the doo's birthday (moo,dooTLOML and Pepper) to charlies had me a chili dog yum yum. Friday night went to changi beach with the boys, i met Aaron earlier and we had a great wantan mee dinner with a side order of rojak double yum yum, we hung out at the beach till around 12 (the main group left about 10) and it was a pretty quite night just chit chat about this that and the other. Saturday was hectic, i had to work as we had a mind autum festival and man oh man was it rough we set up all the decorations around lunch time but our very own "katrina" decided to destroy all our hardwork. so we had to start from scratch. My head office was supposed to send an MC but of course they sent me one that DIDNT want to do it cause she was shy, so i nthe end i was MC, Organizer, Camera Man and "jack of all trades for the night" tired? to say the least, pissed off? thats putting it mildly.After the even finished around 10 i guess i swung to the the moo doo mansion for the doo's birthday i arrived in the midst of HAPPY BIRTHDAY. IT was an enjoyable evening. Sunday woke up with a migrane, went for lunch at my mums place, sept 11 is my dads birthday and so we gather with the machados for lucnh, my mum made chicken rice, devil curry, fish curry, a popiah type dish but instead of popiah skin you use vegatables to wrap, and fried chicken oh ya and she tried her hand at thosai. Bloated? nah we were beyond that. Than we did somethign silly, The two philips and i went to pasri ris farmway to buy dog food....and MR machado bought another dog! a cute little brown bundle of fur named zoey! lol imagine Alisons reaction, 3 kids and 2 dogs lol enjoy.
Was that the end of the day nope cause we went home had a shower then went to Doo's place to watch KIMI win a lovely f1 race. thus my weekend was over.....now its back to work!

ps if you notice my may typos..keep it to yourself its a secret ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh
no pics cause i am still tired..soon..soon.

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