I was talking to law today and mentioned the old office in amoy st, he had never been there so i dug up another old pic from 2000, it was a tiny little attic space type office but uncle marc and i worked there until he died, then i tried to carry on with some friends...i think the person that spent the most time there beside me was brad, many nights we sat at the conference table packing stuff for sale and just talking, it was a great office..twas a sad day when i had to give it up but life keeps moving on and all we are left with are memories and maybe a few pictures, next month will be u. marc's death annivesary, many people have said many things about the man, some good and some not so good but for my part i will always think of him as a man who gave up everything for his boys. He was always there for the servers and we considered him one of our own. I know that most of you have no clue who i am talking about, but for those of you who remember him say a prayer for a good man.
We meet people like this throughout our lives, people who make a difference, these are people who make such a mark on our lives that when they leave a part of us goes with them but a part of them stays with us forever. Through the barriers of age, culture and so many other differences we form a bond with them, to others he or she may seem to be a negative influence or a bad person, but a person who has bad traits is not necessarly a bad person and we must always try and find the good in people.
As for me 96360810 is still the first number i think about when i need help and its always a couple of seconds before i realise that he is gone,gone but never will he be forgotten....not by his boys. At his wake it was his boys who stood guard for 4 nights over his body, it was his boys who carried his casket and it was his boys who showed him our respect. That last genuflect was a moment that i will carry with me.