
A really BIG DAY

Today was a special day, we took Caitlin to the Zoo for the first time..at least for the first time since her great escape from the womb! And she was so alert! Looking at the trees and animals...ah...my daughter..just like her dad.



birthday walk

Twice in a week! thats right i hit the zoo twice in 1 WEEK! today Philip Jr and i went roaming around the zoo and we covered alot of ground, neither rain nor sun managed to stop us . We covered almost all the animals there were and some we didnt even know they had, Philip impressed me with his knowledge on where different enclosures were located and being able to identify lots of animals, i guess now that he is 10 he knows all the good stuff!

I see a pumpkin...

We spent a nice evening at the Machado's place last night, Michaels school had organized a halloween night for the kids and of course the 3 machado kids were involved! We even got caitlin a littlt bit o costume.
Today is Philip's birthday we are off to the ZOO!

Aunty Alison and Caitlin.


A nice day

What a lovely day, went to the zoo with Doo this morning(i was late! the horror!). We had planned to head out to Sungei Buloh but as we drove towards the mandai exit the Zoo beckoned and so off we went. I took 339pictures of which these are the only ones i thought passed albeit barely. IT seemed a poor day for photography for some reason it was so difficult to judge the lighting and choose the right settings...i guess all this means is another trip to the zoo to practice ...oh dear what a sacrifice...hahahah. Anyway its worth heading down for a nice walk, lots of new landscape areas near the front.
Dinner was great, TLOML made a lovely white suace pasta and Debbie dropped by for a nice afternoon visit.
The Duck
Nasallis Larvatus(Proboscis Monkey)also known(by me) as the big nose moneky or the who monkey from Dr.Suess
Panthera Leo(Lioness)
Pan Troglodytes(Chimpanzee)


Photograph by Edward M.Simon

A couple of months ago, well almost a year ago a good friend of mine(shout out to SKA!) mentioned that a friend of hers in penang was writting a book on durians and asked if she could find someone to take some pictures of the Esplanade building in Singapore. So after much thought and persuasion ( i didnt want to take shots and have them rejected cause they suck..shy right) off i went with frodo (you remember this night many months ago?tripod broke all!) and took lots and lots of shots of which i selected four or five and sent them off(with some editing like lamppost being removed thanks again SKA). A couple of months after that i got an email mentioning that the book had been printed and was available for sale but with the baby coming and all i put it out of my mind though i was very very excited. Anyhow got home today and checked the mail, got a package and lo and behold! The book and on page 13 the photograph taken by yes thats right ME! sent by the lovely author!(never met but i am sure she is lovey!) I am thrilled beyond belief! The book is great and this is from a non durian eater. The book to steal a line from the intro this book basically about durians of penang! If you like durians or penang(and i LOVE penang) then go out and buy this book!
Photograph by Edward M.Simon- cheh damn ya ya only :) lol
I reckon that Moo knows how it feels ya, getting your name in print like that!
pardon the poor pictures i have taken of the book, i am too excited to do anything fancy with
lighting. I am as they say well chuffed.