I sneaked(TLOML and i had a discussion on this word..and if there was such a word as snuck) out for an hour at around 3 today, well actually since i didnt go for lunch i reckon its alright. Took some pretty lame pics, not sharp at all. Anyhow i am trying to catalogue the many bird species in an around my work place. The first bird (top left) is a Barn Swallow also known as a Eurasian Barn Swallow.
Next we have an Egret, which though not native to singapore has really established itself with a large presence. Below the Egret we have an Indian Mynah, not to be confused with the Common Mynah (Which is more brownish), the mynah is one of my favourite birds. They have such personality but who knew we had two types of mynah!(not counting the Hill Mynah which some people keep as pets) The last 3 pics are of a Little Heron, i posted 3 pics cause I couldnt decide which one I prefered....
Does anyone remember the kids show, whit the song that goes" OH animals animals animals everywhere., animals animals animals everywhere, there are animals in history..." thats all i got..anyone remember it?
All pics have been cropped and resized