
15th Nov. 5 years on

This past weekend was our 5th wedding anniversary. It seems just yesterday we were sorting out our wedding and the house and the next thing you know, we got a dog followed by a baby!
On the spur of the moment, and i do mean the spur of the moment we decided to book a room at the Siloso Beach Reasort, our wedding dinner was on sentosa as well. Anway the room was rather pleasent, the hotel is pretty nice and there are really making an effort with the service . Its smack in front of Cafe Del Mar on Siloso beach but our room was set further back so we were not disturbed by the music at all. Our original plan called for us to have a simple dinner in town so after loitering in our room for abit we went for a nice japanese dinner.
All in all a lovely day, aside from the fact that i had to work in the morning.

View from our room and a partial view of the pool

On sunday morning TLOMY drove home to pick up Caitlin, who liked the hotel room so much she didnt want to leave.
Caitlin and her friend Mr.Turtle.


how time flies

you know what i notice when i look at this picture? the hi fi set in the back ground. the red flowered plate on the table(mummy still has those) The green dish and the metal cups...near the curtains the little horse pulling the the jug..oh the cupboard and the terrazo floor.


Wallpaper & Sketch

Two Simple Stained Glass Wallpapers

From My Sketch Book lol such as it is.



3 of my 4 Black Platy's. (look at the bottom left hand corner of the pic, i am hoping that one of the females gave birth)
This weekend was all about the pond, finally got most of it sorted, still got some touch up work to do I still need to finalize some stuff but i am pretty happy.

SwordTails and Green Puffer

The original inhabitants of the pond were a couple of red sword tails destined to be fodder for some other fish. I got a bag of them from the pet shop and they have been breeding rather well. Above the tiny baby of a sword tail

Highly entertaining, the green puffer likes to slipstream along the jet of air from the circulation pump. I am actually looking for a home for them, they need to be moved to a marine tank in a couple of months .

Also inhabiting the pond are El Cattivo who is a nice fat shy sucker fish and el cato a catfish donated by law. they are rather shy fish and it takes abit of luck to spot them. The pond which was given to me by my bil is a definate source of relaxation, i really enjoy sitting out there having a puff and watching the little buggers dart to and fro...


Ikan Pyscho

Step 1 draw a really bad koi that looks like it bred with an ugly catfish.

Step 2 do some dodgy work on adobe.

Step 3 whack it with a filter
Step 4 whack it again
Step 5 add a drug induced background ..and u have



Harold And Ogre

Harold And Ogre.

Thus ends my little posts on goblins and trolls.