
Bintan Babies

Spot the Baby

Skinny Coke

My Girls

ryder cup/photo

An amazing photograph, by someone in the right place at the right time (Mark Pain)
but check out the other guy. Is he for real or what?

UPDATE http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1320923/Now-Cigar-Guy-takes-New-York-storm-tells-TV-internet-fame-hilarious.html




TLOMY cooked an awesome chicken rice the other day and i forgot to blog it. While i am not a fan of the non roasted chicken, i went back for seconds. It was as good as it gets as far as i am concerned.


SOONDAY (yes soon there will be another one!)

We took the girls to the zoo again today. Caitlin who has been to the zoon on average of once a month for since birth wanted to focus on the reptiles . Of course we stopped by the fragile forest on the way (my fav enclosure)

There as an excellent docent named Mr. Jones who showed Caitlin meal worms, caterpillars and stick insects. Totally engrossed and fearless (TLOML was almost in tears, of pride of course)
Cant really see the stick insect crawling up her had, forgive me i was excited.

Caitlin, with matching Caterpillar.

This is one of my fav pics of Isabella so far.

How can you be unhappy when you have that face living in the same house as you.

Shadow on the left, orang utan in tree. Shadow on right, 4 yr old on ground.
Look at the expressions!
The only thing that would have made the moring perfect would have been a temp of 24% and pepper trotting along at the zoo.

Lanterns at Night

The Machado's, Russel, Caitlin and I took a lovely walk this evening.
The bigger kids were shy to carry lanterns but i think by the end of the walk they came to terms with the perceived shame!
Caitlin Really enjoys spending time with her cousins and as i put her to sleep after our walk she made me recite everything that we did from the start of the walk to the end.

No Lanterns were hurt during this walk.



My ad for depression

Bkur like sotong

I have to admit i am rather proud of my earlier post. This one is for fun. I drew Caitlin a squid to colour tomorrow and did ont for myself. I think i need a new red mark cause this one is fading.


Red & Black Squiggly Lines.

I finally completed one, i do think some of my unfinished stuff is better but at least i finished one! I realize that this is probably amateur hour or art class 101 but having no background in this kind of thing it means EVERYTHING is new to me. Painting, drawing etc were never a large part of my life growing up its not that we were discouraged mind you its not that we were encouraged either. In my house it was always more crafty then art :).
So i have decided to tag this as art because to me it fulfills what that word entails to me.



Above a scanned version of what i drew. Below a PS''d version. ok i am tired good night!


Sisters Islands again!

Sisters Island 100910

Buggered up some of the shot, left the iso at 1600 BAH!