For one so small,you seem so strong My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm This bond between us can’t be broken I will be here don’t you cry----Phil Collins

A walk backwards.
Its been an eventful couple of weeks to say the least, 2 trips to bintan and a sisters island weekend.
I love both places, they both evoke similar emotions in me, the feeling of separation of all that is stressful on the mainland, bills ..work..work bills. Nothing else is a problem, life is grand aside from these few items and much like the folks who lived through the great depression by hiding out in cinemas, i hideout at the beach. Bintan, with its clear blue waters and clean beaches, friendly staff, comfortable beds, room service and air-conditioning is a great getaway. The first half a day or so i am there i keep checking my phone, in case work calls and i am needed after a couple of hours i chuck it. IF they need me that's just too bad. I feel it all just drain away and am able to relax. The moment of return and we get back to singapore i feel that weight on my shoulders once again. But lets get back to the bintan for a bit, i went in July with the boys and we spent our time playing frisbe and snorkelling (the weather was pefect) and it was a great little holiday. Bounce ahead to august and Tloml and i went without Caitlin which felt abit odd, we had a really great trip with our little walks and our long talks. Didnt do any snorkelling or not much but we did feed the fish alot....very relaxing.
Moving down the line we find me and the gang back on sisters island, its been around 4-5yrs since we have been back and boy was i excited. I love that place, the first night, there was no on else on the island and it was paradise. Part of the joy in going camping nowadays are the elaborate meals we tend to have, from pasta at dinner to bacon and eggs for breakfast and not forgetting a very well cooked roast chicken at lunch time(one year we even had roasted leg of lamb). This year marks the 19th year i have been organizing these little camping trips, i started when i was 16 and till today i get excited just thinking about another trip. We have always gone local, from the early years on Pulau Ubin(it was so clean and peaceful) to St Johns Island and then to Sisters Island(in between we hit, pulau hantu and lazarus). Next year is the 20th Anniversary of my little adventures and i think i shall paln a few little trips.
This time we brought 3 newbies to the island and i thinkt they like it too, its nice to keep the traditions alive.
I love both places, they both evoke similar emotions in me, the feeling of separation of all that is stressful on the mainland, bills ..work..work bills. Nothing else is a problem, life is grand aside from these few items and much like the folks who lived through the great depression by hiding out in cinemas, i hideout at the beach. Bintan, with its clear blue waters and clean beaches, friendly staff, comfortable beds, room service and air-conditioning is a great getaway. The first half a day or so i am there i keep checking my phone, in case work calls and i am needed after a couple of hours i chuck it. IF they need me that's just too bad. I feel it all just drain away and am able to relax. The moment of return and we get back to singapore i feel that weight on my shoulders once again. But lets get back to the bintan for a bit, i went in July with the boys and we spent our time playing frisbe and snorkelling (the weather was pefect) and it was a great little holiday. Bounce ahead to august and Tloml and i went without Caitlin which felt abit odd, we had a really great trip with our little walks and our long talks. Didnt do any snorkelling or not much but we did feed the fish alot....very relaxing.
Moving down the line we find me and the gang back on sisters island, its been around 4-5yrs since we have been back and boy was i excited. I love that place, the first night, there was no on else on the island and it was paradise. Part of the joy in going camping nowadays are the elaborate meals we tend to have, from pasta at dinner to bacon and eggs for breakfast and not forgetting a very well cooked roast chicken at lunch time(one year we even had roasted leg of lamb). This year marks the 19th year i have been organizing these little camping trips, i started when i was 16 and till today i get excited just thinking about another trip. We have always gone local, from the early years on Pulau Ubin(it was so clean and peaceful) to St Johns Island and then to Sisters Island(in between we hit, pulau hantu and lazarus). Next year is the 20th Anniversary of my little adventures and i think i shall paln a few little trips.
This time we brought 3 newbies to the island and i thinkt they like it too, its nice to keep the traditions alive.
Such a dilema
What should one do when walking along the common corridor to the lift?
Here is my problem. Everyday, sometimes several times a day i walk past my neighbours house to the lift. They keep their windows open and there is always someone in the living room, they are really good neighbours always ready with a hello and a smile. My issue is this, if it was my house i would not want anyone looking in every 5 mins and have to say hello or wave just because someone is walking past my house. However there are times when i am walking past and trying to look busy they will shout out from their sanctury "hello" or give a vigerourous wave. TLOML is not consistent in her behaviour when it comes to this matter as she sometimes looks in and sometimes doesnt, Leni(our staff) is the worst she always looks in and waves smiles and say's hi.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO! Do i seem rude and uncaring by looking busy and dashing by, do i seem kpo and overfriendly by looking into their house....these are the things i have to deal with on the way to the lift. such a dilema.
Question 2
What do you call taxi drivers?
Lately i notice when i get into a cab( or should i say money pit) more and more cabbies calling ME uncle(yes yes i am that old). Which often leaves me stumped for a response as i normally greet them with a "Hello Uncle..take me too..." now as we know this is a singapore phenomena, everyone older is an uncle or an aunty but it would just be wrong for both cabby and i to be callign each other uncle. ITs a cab not a retirement home. I have since started calling them "Boss" but it seems rather odd to be calling the person providing me the service (albeit at a heavy cost) Boss, shouldnt he be calling me that? Maybe i should not call them anything and just start of by saying "morning" but this just seems to formal and un friendly, i mean how will the cabby know i am his buddy, kaki as he rails on about the government lol. (by the way 90% of the time i love listening to the theories of cabbies, most of which if i posted on this blog i would surely do jail time for)So what do you call cabbies?.such a dilema
Question 3
Actually this is a rant, My name is Edward. People real close to me call me eddy, now i will only stand for a few people calling me that cause it sends shivers up and down my spine when they do but its ok they know me well enough to do it. There is one person that calls me eddie cause she has always known it annoys me! mind you i call her all sorts of vulgar things so we are pretty even(D.J you know its you). Since i have i have grown older (lol) i am not so ANTI eddie BUT and this is an important BUT i dont like people i have just met taking liberties with my name. THe other night we were at this event and my sister introduced me to a friend of hers "edward this is bleh bleh" and bleh bleh shakes my hand and goes Hi Ed, i recoiled as if i had been slapped by a soccer players wet sock. Bleh Bleh didnt even notice and jsut kept bleh blehing along, really under normal circumstances i am sure i would have said something but i was just to stunned to say anything. I have been thinking long and hard about this, if you are newly introduced to me and want to shorten my name to something you can just call me SIR. thank you.
Sidebar-if you have notices the errors i would advise a change of vocation. Maybe something with the yellow pages.
What should one do when walking along the common corridor to the lift?
Here is my problem. Everyday, sometimes several times a day i walk past my neighbours house to the lift. They keep their windows open and there is always someone in the living room, they are really good neighbours always ready with a hello and a smile. My issue is this, if it was my house i would not want anyone looking in every 5 mins and have to say hello or wave just because someone is walking past my house. However there are times when i am walking past and trying to look busy they will shout out from their sanctury "hello" or give a vigerourous wave. TLOML is not consistent in her behaviour when it comes to this matter as she sometimes looks in and sometimes doesnt, Leni(our staff) is the worst she always looks in and waves smiles and say's hi.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO! Do i seem rude and uncaring by looking busy and dashing by, do i seem kpo and overfriendly by looking into their house....these are the things i have to deal with on the way to the lift. such a dilema.
Question 2
What do you call taxi drivers?
Lately i notice when i get into a cab( or should i say money pit) more and more cabbies calling ME uncle(yes yes i am that old). Which often leaves me stumped for a response as i normally greet them with a "Hello Uncle..take me too..." now as we know this is a singapore phenomena, everyone older is an uncle or an aunty but it would just be wrong for both cabby and i to be callign each other uncle. ITs a cab not a retirement home. I have since started calling them "Boss" but it seems rather odd to be calling the person providing me the service (albeit at a heavy cost) Boss, shouldnt he be calling me that? Maybe i should not call them anything and just start of by saying "morning" but this just seems to formal and un friendly, i mean how will the cabby know i am his buddy, kaki as he rails on about the government lol. (by the way 90% of the time i love listening to the theories of cabbies, most of which if i posted on this blog i would surely do jail time for)So what do you call cabbies?.such a dilema
Question 3
Actually this is a rant, My name is Edward. People real close to me call me eddy, now i will only stand for a few people calling me that cause it sends shivers up and down my spine when they do but its ok they know me well enough to do it. There is one person that calls me eddie cause she has always known it annoys me! mind you i call her all sorts of vulgar things so we are pretty even(D.J you know its you). Since i have i have grown older (lol) i am not so ANTI eddie BUT and this is an important BUT i dont like people i have just met taking liberties with my name. THe other night we were at this event and my sister introduced me to a friend of hers "edward this is bleh bleh" and bleh bleh shakes my hand and goes Hi Ed, i recoiled as if i had been slapped by a soccer players wet sock. Bleh Bleh didnt even notice and jsut kept bleh blehing along, really under normal circumstances i am sure i would have said something but i was just to stunned to say anything. I have been thinking long and hard about this, if you are newly introduced to me and want to shorten my name to something you can just call me SIR. thank you.
Sidebar-if you have notices the errors i would advise a change of vocation. Maybe something with the yellow pages.
My Mini Vivarium

A fishy, frog day.

Caught and released by Philip and Michael assisted by Megan
i took the pics of this frog as it moved around on my hand.
(for more info of this species) Click on the pics to see the full sized frogs,
esp of the toad its a great pic(by raju)

Caught and released by me, assisted by Philip, Megan and Michael (this toad jumped and hit my leg as we were releasing the Banded Bull Frog) Picture by Raju
/toadasiatic.htm (for more info of this species)
Sunday- 0845 Take Caitlin to meet Law and Kenneth (a morning of fishy business)
0920 Toa Payoh (dont ask)
1000 Bukit Panjang (dont ask again)
1030 Qian Hu Fish Farm (nice spot Caitlin fed the koi and the turtles and was rather excited by the fish)
1200 Cold Storage Bedok (Hunting for meat)
1230 Home for epic steak lunch
1420 Clean up mess left by said epic
1515 Em's House for tea
1800 Home with a sleepy and grumpy Caitlin
1845 Walk with Pepper
1915 Caitlin Wash up and Prayers
1945 Depart for Coffee with Sherwin and Raju at east point
1955 Get Call from Nephew regarding frogs
2045 Leave east point with Raju and Sherwin in tow for frog hunt at street 45
(great fun with the kids! no not raju and sherwin)
2200 Home :)
Yes i rant.

just two images

below..the ongoing housing crunch in Singapore and the question, do Singaporeans want smaller homes.

Good music is hard to find.
If I Can Dream
There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If I can dream of a better land
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand
Tell me why, oh why, oh why cant my dream come true
There must be peace and understanding sometime
Strong winds of promise that will blow away
All the doubt and fear
If I can dream of a warmer sun
Where hope keeps shining on everyone
Tell me why, oh why, oh why wont that sun appear
Were lost in a cloud
With too much rain
Were trapped in a world
Thats troubled with pain
But as long as a man
Has the strength to dream
He can redeem his soul and fly
Deep in my heart theres a trembling question
Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow
Out there in the dark, theres a beckoning candle
And while I can think, while I can talk
While I can stand, while I can walk
While I can dream, please let my dream
Come true, right now
Let it come true right now
Oh yeah
Recorded two months after martin luther king died. its not just a song its a mantra...
I dont care if i am a dreamer.
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