

Dogs of the Old Quarter.

Long Bien Bridge. I could not really take many shots here as light was fading fast and i wanted to cross the Red River before it got dark. I found this particular place rather moving, with the wind blowing strong and cool..as well is the significance of the bridge itself

The view of the red river, when it floods it fills up the flood pan to the walls of hanoi.

Hanoi 5


Happy New Year

So another year older.
For all the good things that happened 2007 will still be in my mind one of the worst if not the worst. For all the joy and laughter 2007 will be the year of tears. I do not know what 2008 will bring, i do know what 2007 has taken. The loss is a great one, recovery? there is no such thing there is only forward motion.



5th Of December, Pepper and Zorro Turned 3 years old today! it seems like just yesterday that the 2 Philips and i went and brought Zorro home..and now they are boht 3! LOVE HER MORE EVERDAY!





Everything was perfect except my iso. DAMN


Hand shake, out of focus and lord knows what else. But i reckon for works for me.