When i started this blog who knew that i would keep it up, i figured it would run for a couple of weeks at most and fade away like millions of others and yet 2yrs later its still here. Though fading away is always a possibility.
Two ye
ars, a flick of a switch and everything has changed life is as different as it is the same. Through this blog you my few loyal friends yes the 3 of you(who must really be bored by now) have seen, life and death, birds and bees, dogs and cats, family and friends and of course buildings buildings buildings. I have ranted on the death penalty and the press to architecture and my job. All of it has been
as uniformed as possible but none of it has been a lie. At times i have used this blog in "silence" and just posted pictures of whatever i saw, a nice butterfly, pepper sleeping on my desk, Tloml at the beach, of Caitlin all over the place, of things both big and small like toy soldiers
and coffee cups to elephants and great buildings.
I have enjoyed taking pictures and the people i have gone on my little local adventures with, my Doo & Moo, my Bil, my friends who follow me on my hair brain schemes to photograph yet another old and musty building. My wife who has to put up with me and my camera all the time. Sungei Buloh, Seletar, Dempsy road, Ubin, st johns, Lazarus,

I enjoy reading comments that people leave behind, albeit it is the same loyal people who do, people who take the time out to look at my blog and actually say something that means alot to me.
So for now lets see if we can go on another 2 years.