3 of my 4 Black Platy's. (look at the bottom left hand corner of the pic, i am hoping that one of the females gave birth)
This weekend was all about the pond, finally got most of it sorted, still got some touch up work to do I still need to finalize some stuff but i am pretty happy.
SwordTails and Green Puffer
The original inhabitants of the pond were a couple of red sword tails destined to be fodder for some other fish. I got a bag of them from the pet shop and they have been breeding rather well. Above the tiny baby of a sword tail

Highly entertaining, the green puffer likes to slipstream along the jet of air from the circulation pump. I am actually looking for a home for them, they need to be moved to a marine tank in a couple of months .
Also inhabiting the pond are El Cattivo who is a nice fat shy sucker fish and el cato a catfish donated by law. they are rather shy fish and it takes abit of luck to spot them. The pond which was given to me by my bil is a definate source of relaxation, i really enjoy sitting out there having a puff and watching the little buggers dart to and fro...
hey, you've got a nice pond there, nice pictures of the fishes too.. Really looks relaxing..
Looks good, Eddy...
Nice pond honey. I shall sit out there today and relax.
eh the pond is looking really good ah... :-)
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