A very enjoyable weekend, though i now work on saturdays(half day) still managed to do quite abit with my little family. Yesterday was spend sorting out some issues with my pond, including the purchase of a nice cheap sucker fish and some meal worms(which we are going to keep till they become darkling beetles) This morning we went for a picnic at the botanical gardens, we stopped off and picked up some really nice pastrami, bread and as can be seen from the above a sugar coated rasberry jam filled bun for Caitlin.

Edward I'm going to kill you for putting that picture of me!!!
em said.......
nice family time, caitlin seems
to be enjoying herself.
hahahaha nice pic of you stuffing your face SIL!!!! graceful!! aiyah it's actually a nice shot! Caitlin is simply beautiful, go enrol her in a modelling agency!
Great pictures Edward. she is so cute!!
Good work with the goblin too ;)
So nice, mother and daughter, both stuffing thier faces. I like the B/W one the best.
Shut up Sherwin!!!
hi simon family, what are they eating looks yummy,Caitlin is getting bigger nice dress , nice that pic of you and your darling daughter mischa, my blog address is
come visit me anytime.
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