For one so small,you seem so strong
My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm
This bond between us can’t be broken
I will be here don’t you cry----Phil Collins
Otters @ Sungei buloh
You would have to guess to figure out what this is but its an otter. The pictures suck but i am pretty darned pleased just with havign a chance to see them. With that I can say i have seen the big 3 at buloh, the Eagles (look further down) the crocodiles (previous post) and the otters. I actually took the day off work for this. Aside from the monitor lizards i am not happy photographically wise with the pictures but hey i saw the otters!! Thanks to my father in law!
As always most of the pics have been resized or cropped for posting purposes.
Brahminy Kite - i think its a sub adult but i could be wrong.
1 comment:
The pictures arent too bad what.
I reckon 3 could make a cool desktop background.. try photoshop and block out the green with a filter n convert black n white heheh niceee!
1 comment:
The pictures arent too bad what.
I reckon 3 could make a cool desktop background.. try photoshop and block out the green with a filter n convert black n white heheh niceee!
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