

Reaching into his pocket to pay for dinner AGAIN
"Joy Cometh in the Morning" in these hard and difficult times its so hard to believe but believe we must, the sun will shine albeit a little dimmer and our laughter may have a little edge to it but Joy cometh in the morning thats all we have, hope the hope that everyday it gets a little bit easier but i know it wont. I know that the pain will not lessen as the years go by it will just be something we are accustomed to dealing with but that does not mean our lives will be spent in perpetual morning. We can choose to make a difference no matter how difficult it may be to live in the sun. So from today i will try my best to choose to think of my bil's life not his death, i will choose to think of him as i knew him and not the fact that he is not here. It will be hard and i will fall sometimes but those of us who knew and love him know that this is the only way forward.
I dont know if i am making any sense or just rambling but this is all i got.


Anonymous said...

you're trying to kill me i tell ya. i saw this after the email i sent.


smarty pants.
your friend.

Anonymous said...

yes,you are making sense and Philip would want us all to move on and enjoy it while we have the chance.
It will be hard, and the pain will never go away, but either we sit and be sad or live life the way Philip did, that is to the fullest.
I must say , The picture of Aly and Philip is a beautiful one.They were always happy, so we must follow them...

Anonymous said...

that was me in the 2nd comment


Anonymous said...

Never knew you could be so deep lol
Actually I did know

and I did understand your ramblings - I loved what you said and it is so true. Love the pics. The one with Aly and Philip, so happy together, just cuts me
