

The baby is due any time now! It could be today or next week but any day now another little simon will pop out. I had lunch with my mum today and we had a look at her photo albums. Nostalgia, thats the word and looking at the pics thats what i felt and still feel. Above is a pic of my mum in her youth, prob in her teens ! sitting next to her is her sister in-law and her assorted neices and nephews who now have children and grand children of their own!

Above is a pic of my Dad, Sgt Simon. He signed up with the british army before his 16th birthday and told them he was already 16!
Edwin met Lucy and they were wed!

Above is my granny from my dads side and on the right is my grandpa(now you know why i like to wear hats) from my mums side.
An early pic of the Simon Kids, and now i am having one of my OWN!

Checkout the bed Alison and I are on! what a cool kiddy bed not a sharp edge on it, mind you its solid metal! Like my doll?


Anonymous said...

very nice indeed. Looking a the picture of mummy is like looking at Jocelyn and believe it a little of Pat. Now I honestly think that Mikey looks so much like you at that age la.. the pic of you with Louise & the one with me.... look properly and you will see.

Anonymous said...

it's nice to look at old pics! I love it! And now it's time to start creating your own memories for your baby girl.

By the way, you were cute when young. But can i request for you to post your old IC pic?

Anonymous said...

love the pictures!! I was expecting yr mom to wear a saree really in da first pic .. hahahha

Tempest23 said...

Ya mikey looks like edward!