
Wednesday-for some reason this spelling feels wrong

Moo and Doo dropped by for dinner last night..they also brought the dinner hehehe. Aside from the kway teow which was devoured, they ALSO brought my very very early birthday present and man what an excellent gift!!! A SLIK MONOPOD!!! WOO HOO!! its sitting next to me as i type and i think this week it will use alot...THANKS MOO-DOO. As you can see mother and daughter were deep in discussion actually the moo was teaching some excercises to TLOML.
Thie big news of the day is that the DOO got himself a beautiful OLYMPUS DIGITAL SLR!! its a awesome camera, the first slr with a swivel lcd screen! i tested it out and the buttons were all placed in good spots, it looks pretty good to use! Now the Doo is part of our little clan of slr photographers!!! LIKE THE SNAPS BEGIN!


Tempest23 said...

Nice camera and nice mono pod! Now I can expect more "tamak" shots and discussions from all!

Anonymous said...

come on Doo....what happened to going auto and not bothered on manual settings????
your new toy looks great.now u got me thinking......

doomed_troll said...

tsk tsk tsk