For one so small,you seem so strong
My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm
This bond between us can’t be broken
I will be here don’t you cry----Phil Collins
Have wheels will travel, this is an older shot of TLOML and Caitlin at East Coast Park, no matter how tired she is she always takes the girls out either to the park or even just a walk downstairs EVERYDAY. I reckon my 3 girls are lucky as hell to have a mother like this, and i am lucky to have a wife and best friend like her as well.
This is my daughter. She is a child that has huge personality. When she was born we were worried that having a pair of well not very quiet parents she might just become quiet and shy but on no she holds her own. mightly.
Below is my little Bella, she is already into books like her parents ok so currently she just wants to eat them but hey thats a start. Her biggest obsession is not milk, or chewing stuff. Its pepper anytime she hears peppers tiny little paws she will get excited, she even has her own cry for the dog and i reckon like Caitlin her first word will be peppa. The other day both girls were in their beds about to sleep and i could hear them both singing, is there any greater sound?
These are my pals, some of them anyway. I have been blessed with having some great friends who are always there for me and my family. They make me angry, annoyed, happy, sad, excited and most of all laugh. Here we are squeezing into the car and below we are trying to squeeze into a photo booth at the airport. We share each others triumphs and failures, we encourage each other on and help each other along the bumpy road that is life.
If your wondering is that all? NO there is more. We have two great families that i am going toblog about real soon. And we have Pepper, she deserves a post all on her own.
So work may not be the best, money may always be tight but if you think i am poor? look above at my family and friends and think again.
Its Love Fest 2010! Yes thats right the annual love festival here on my blog. It started in 2007 ( to read more) and has been an annual affair ever since. This year I hope lovefest will be the biggest ever!
The original premise of LoveFest is to say to someone you don't normally tell "I love you". I think it has evolved to being overtly nice to someone you may not even know but also share lovefest with family and friends! Remember love is all around us! ;)
Once again, I have edited my blog. This time it was much easier as blogger has been updated and i used a generic background. I find this one rather pleasing. Let me know you my single dear reader what you think
I always liked this song. i know most people think its crap but I always liked it and until now i never sat down and read the lyrics. Read it.
Return To Innocence"
That's not the beginning of the end That's the return to yourself The return to innocence Love - Devotion Feeling - Emotion Love - Devotion Feeling - Emotion Don't be afraid to be weak Don't be too proud to be strong Just look into your heart my friend That will be the return to yourself The return to innocence If you want, then start to laugh If you must, then start to cry Be yourself don't hide Just believe in destiny Don't care what people say Just follow your own way Don't give up and use the chance To return to innocence That's not the beginning of the end That's the return to yourself The return to innocence Don't care what people say Follow just your own way Follow just your own way Don't give up, don't give up To return, to return to innocence. If you want then laugh If you must then cry Be yourself don't hide Just believe in destiny.
Its just a thought, how different things would be if you were still here. Its been 10yrs. I remember the call that Sunday morning to say you had gone. I remember claiming you as my family and giving you the send off you deserve. I remember our last conversation, I was at the botanical gardens, i rememeber the exact spot i stood. I remember your laugh and the way you gave all you had to us. I remember long drives in your car, plane trips and hotel stays. I remember monday mornings when you would make breakfast for us. I remember our fights. I remember your gin and tonics and you standing by me when i lost my father. You got there before the ambulance did. I missed you at my wedding and the birth of my children, i miss you at easter and christmas. I remember your search for that perfect cup of coffee, i remember everything. 10yrs on, it hurts just as bad as that sunday you left.
Its been 5 yrs since i started blogging. Well 5 years and 2 days since my first post actually and so much has happened 2 whole lives popped up suddenly and in addition to pepper and Tloml they have made my life more then happy. As i write this, there is a worlds greatest dad card made by my daughter for fathers, its addressed to Mr. Simon. 5 yrs so much has happened so much joy and pain, success and failure it what seems equal measure. There is so much to do and so little time to do it in, i wrote so much more before i took so many photographs and reading the comments the other day from my Bil there was a huge lump in my throat and an ache in my heart. such is life. Where will the next 5 years take me? who knows but i reckon you can read about it here.
Coming home from dinner and I found this fella sitting on the wall outside my house. Had an appointment with me to get his portait done. It seems he felt grasshoppers were under represented on my blog.